Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The 90/10 Lifestyle– Your Guide to Optimal Health By Ryan Mace

For a moment, let’s compare health and nutrition to how we maintain a bank account. Our goal with a bank account is to make as many deposits as possible, while minimizing  withdrawals – we want to accumulate savings! How this relates to health and nutrition is simple – healthy foods make deposits into your health account (promote health) and unhealthy foods make withdrawals (promote disease). In other words, responsible spending will not jeopardize your ability to save money. Thus, one healthy meal will not make you the poster child of health, nor will a single unhealthy meal send you to your grave early.

It’s your lifestyle, what you do day-in and day-out that will determine whether you are nutritionally rich or poor.

The body is resilient and life is too short not to indulge from time to time. A fair balance that allows you to promote health, yet still have fun is found in the90/10 rule: Eat healthy foods 90% of the time and indulge the remaining 10%. With this philosophy your overall lifestyle will have an accumulative effect on your health and set the stage for a rich health account!
As Hippocrates originally said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
  •  The Healthiest Foods on Earth Guide (provided below) is a helpful tool that identifies more than 200 power foods you should eat 90% of the time, with the most power foods in bold. The remaining 10% of the time, you can commit nutritional sin – indulge! This document should be taken with you every time you shop for groceries.
Remember, lifestyle is the single most important factor in determining your overall health and fitness. There is no need to embrace fad diets and extreme exercise.

*** Copy of HealthiestFoodsOnEarth ***

Ryan Mace can be reached at and followed via:

Twitter @RyanMace3,

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